
The D.C. Team


Pierre Funes

Streetmeet Founder, Creative Entrepreneur, Beer Connoisseur, Professional Hiker. A photographer and videographer at heart, he takes boffum. If you haven’t heard of him before, you will soon cuz he’s pretty loud.


josue “sway” maldonado

Floridian Asylum Seeker residing in the District. Our business guy, who happens to be from Miami, helps us spread the street meet gospel with the hopes of turning us all into Mr. Worldwides. He’s a pro at digital marketing. Did we forget to mention that he’s from Florida?


Luis Henriquez

The latest addition and the youngest in the leadership, he keeps these boomers hip and happening. When he’s not choking people with his jiu-jitsu, he’s working with local communities, businesses, and non-profits and creating photos as well as videos that help them with their online presence.